
运动员压力应对:概念、理论模型、影响因素及展望 被引量:1

Coping in Sports: Concept,Theoretical Model,Influential Factors and Prospect
摘要 本文采用文献资料法,回顾了运动员压力应对的相关研究,对压力应对的定义、分类、测量以及相关理论进行介绍;研究结果发现:影响压力应对的因素包括稳定因素和情境因素;未来研究应该注重压力应对的影响机制、压力应对的效果评价、应对的干预等研究;研究者应积极开展应对的纵向研究,并注重考察情境因素对应对的影响,提高研究的生态效度。旨在为运动员压力应对领域的进一步研究提供一定参考。 Using method of literature,this study analyzed the concept,classification,measurement,related theories. The result shows that: influential factors of coping in sports includes stable and situational factors,Based on this evidence,future research should address some of the mechanism of coping,evaluation of coping effect and invention research of coping. Longitudinal research design should be actively promoted in future,in which researchers need put more attention to the impact of situational factors on coping,thus increasing ecological validity of researches. The aim is to come up with some reference for future research.
作者 吴敏 王斌
出处 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2016年第1期17-23,共7页 Journal of Harbin Sport University
基金 国家体育总局重点研究领域课题(编号:2012B081)
关键词 压力应对 压力-应对交互理论 应对过程模型 Coping Transactional theory Coping process model
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