
美国页岩气资源开发监管路径研究 被引量:1

On the Regulation Approaches of the Development of the American Shale Gas
摘要 当前,我国明确提出"推进能源革命",而页岩气开发是能源革命语境下的一个重要事件,其带来的利益和变革十分重大。在技术、商业模式以及政策法律等因素的综合作用下,美国页岩气资源开发取得了革命性进展。页岩气资源开发充满风险,美国在监管上有一系列措施:在监管的指导原则上,贯穿着风险预防、综合调控、公众参与和聚焦区块四个原则;在监管的体制安排上,由美国联邦、州和地方政府实施,地方各州发挥着主导作用;在监管聚焦的问题上,关注公共安全、环境保护、资源开发效率、地方社区权益保障等方面,并针对这些问题进行了复杂的制度设计。美国经验对我国页岩气资源开发监管的启示在于:一是明确页岩气资源开发监管的目的指南;二是制定监管的指导原则;三是作好监管的顶层设计;四是监管要走制度化路径。 Shale gas development is a significant matter in the energy revolution. Due to comprehensive effect of technology,business model,policy,law and other factors,the shale gas development in America has made revolutionary progress. As there exist risks in shale gas development,the U.S. has carried out a series of measures in regulation. From the perspective of the regulatory principles,it emphasizes risk prevention,comprehensive regulation,public participation and focus block. The regulatory supervision is carried out by federal,state and local governments respectively,with state government playing a dominant role. The emphasis of regulation work is on public safety,environmental protection,resource development efficiency,and local community interest protection,etc. Based on this,a complicated system was designed. To enhance supervision over shale gas development in China,we need not only learn from the American experiences,but also make clear our supervision objective,lay down basic principles,and improve the top-level design to develop an institutionalized model.
作者 欧俊
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期27-33,共7页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究重大攻关课题“推进丝绸之路经济带建设研究”(14JZD022)
关键词 页岩气资源 开发监管 风险预防 公众参与 环境保护 shale gas resource exploitation regulation risk prevention public participation environmental protection
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