目的了解河北省城乡居民维生素A营养状况。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,在全省农村和城市随机抽取了1 678名居民,采集受试者清晨空腹静脉血,采用高效液相色谱法测定血浆中视黄醇(维生素A)含量,分析河北省城乡居民维生素A营养状况。结果河北省居民血清维生素A平均水平为(47.43±20.42)μg/d1,不同性别、年龄维生素A平均水平差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),城乡维生素A平均水平差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);受试者中,维生素A缺乏和边缘缺乏的人群分别占2.2%和13.8%,不同年龄组维生素A营养状态差异有统计学意义(χ2=159.247,P〈0.001);除60~岁组外,其余各年龄组血清维生素A水平随年龄增加呈升高趋势(χ2趋势=119.619,P〈0.01),但6~岁组最低。不同性别和城乡间维生素A营养状态差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论河北省居民维生素A营养状况不容乐观,未成年人和女性是维生素A缺乏的高危人群,应引起足够重视,采取合理措施进行干预。
Objective To evaluate the vitamin A status of residents in Hebei province. Methods 1678 participants from Hebei province were selected using multi- stage cluster random sampling method,then the blood samples were collected and the serum level of vitamin A was detected by the method of high performance liquid chromatography to analyze the vitamin A status. Results The average level of serum vitamin A among residents in Hebei province was( 47. 43 ± 20. 42) μg / d1. There were gender and age differences in serum vitamin A concentration( 〈P 0. 01),but there was no significant difference in vitamin A concentration between the urban and rural( P〉 0. 05). The vitamin A deficiency among the residents was 2. 2 %,and the marginal vitamin A deficiency was 13. 8%,there was significant statistical differences between different age groups on vitamin A status( χ2=159. 247,P 〈0. 001). Beside the 60 ~ group,the normal vitamin A rate was increased with age( χ2trend= 119. 619,P〈 0.001),but the rate was lowest in 6 ~ group. There were no significant difference in the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency between the residents of different gender and region( P 〉0. 05). Conclusions Vitamin A nutrition situation of Hebei province was not optimistic,minors and women was high- risk groups of vitamin A deficiency,should pay more attention to it,and take reasonable prevention and control measures.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Vitamin A
Nutrition status
Nutrition survey