
体质测评中仰卧起坐测试规格的国际比较 被引量:14

International Comparison of Sit-ups Test in Health-Related Physical Fitness Tests
摘要 目的:探索相对科学合理的仰卧起坐测试方法,为优化我国学生体质测评中仰卧起坐测试方法提供科学依据,也为完善我国学生体质测评标准提供参考。方法:采用文献资料法对世界上7个国家和地区健康体质测评中的仰卧起坐测试从动作形式、受试对象和计量方法 3方面进行研究。结果:7个体质测评体系中仰卧起坐动作开始与结束状态相对统一于仰卧;存在5种上肢摆放位置;膝关节均要求弯曲;双脚存在固定与非固定2种要求;躯干最大运动幅度分2种,即30°〈角度〈90°和角度≥90°;受试年龄、性别要求不一;计量方式分时间-个数与节奏-个数2种。结论:各国健康体质测评体系中仰卧起坐动作形式的5种上肢摆放位置带来不同的动作完成难度;双手手指交叉抱头的上肢动作易引起颈部损伤,其他动作无不利影响;下肢采用膝关节弯曲且双脚不固定的动作,对促进腹部肌群发力和限制股直肌发力较为有利;30°~45°的躯干运动幅度对评价腰腹力量素质相对有利;仰卧起坐受试在6~70岁范围中,无性别限制;以节奏-个数作为计量方法相对优越。 Objectives: The purse of this study was to search for relative scientific and reasonable test methods of sit-ups,providing scientific evidences for optimizing sit-ups test methods of students' physical fitness test and providing the reference for perfecting the students' physical fitness test standard of China. Methods: This paper analyzed the movement,test subjects and metering methods of sit-ups in seven standards of national or regional health-related physical fitness tests by literature review. Results: The start and end postures of sit-ups are relatively unified,they are lying on the back; there are five kinds of posture in the upper limb; the knees are required to bend; feet are required to fix or not; the range of trunk movement is 30° 〈θ 〈90° or θ≥90°; the requirements of age and gender of subjects are not the same; metering methods are time-number metering or rhythm-number metering. Conclusions: There are five upper extremity postures which lead to different difficulty of sit-ups; all the movement is without adverse effect except that the posture with finger crossing behind head may cause neck injury easily; the posture with bent knees and unfixed feet can promote abdominal muscle force but restrict rectus femoris force; the 30°-45° torso maximum movement range is benefit to abdominal muscle's strength assessment; sit-ups can effectively evaluate abdominal muscle strength and endurance within 6- 70 years old people without gender restriction; the method of rhythm-number metering is relatively superior.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期60-65,71,共7页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 上海高校创新能力提升计划竞争性引导项目(编号:44891400) "青少年健康评价与运动干预教育部重点实验室"建设项目(编号:40500-541235-14203/004)
关键词 仰卧起坐 测试规格 动作形式 受试:计量方法 sit-ups test movement subjects metering methods
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