

Effects of three pollination methods on greenhouse nectarine yield in Xinjiang
摘要 油桃是一种蔷薇科果树,是桃的一个变异品种。油桃主要通过昆虫授粉或人工授粉来完成其传粉受精。大量实践证明:温室大棚栽培油桃可以大幅度提高油桃经济效益,因此是当前栽培重要发展方向。本试验分别利用蜜蜂、熊蜂及人工喷洒芸苔素内酯的三种方式对大棚油桃进行授粉,并测定了三种授粉方式对大棚油桃初期座果率、单株油桃个数、平均单果重和单株产量等影响。结果表明:三组的初期座果率差异不显著(P>0.05);人工授粉组单株油桃个数最多,显著高于蜜蜂授粉组和熊蜂授粉组(P<0.05);熊蜂授粉组平均单果重最重,显著高于人工授粉组(P<0.05);人工授粉组单株产量最高,显著高于蜜蜂授粉组(P<0.05)。虽然人工授粉(人工辅助授粉激素技术)的大棚油桃产量高于蜜蜂授粉和熊蜂授粉,但由于人为地破坏了油桃的自然生长规律,出现大量畸形果,另外油桃果实中可能存在激素残留风险,因此建议在新疆大棚油桃授粉中大力推广熊蜂授粉技术。 Nectarine is a member of Rosaceae family under order of Rosales, which is a species mutated from peach. Nectarine belongs to cross-pollination plants at the same time. The fertilization of Nectarine is mainly accomplished by insects or artificial pollination. A lot of practical data proved that the greenhouse planting can greatly iraprove the economic effectiveness of nectarine. Therefore, tant ways of nectarine cultivation. greenhouse planting has been developing as one of the impor- In this experiment, three methods including honeybee pollination, bumblebee pollination, and artificial seeding of brassinolide were used to pollinate greenhouse nectarine. Rate of fruiting at early stage, number of fruit per plant, aver- age fruit weight, and average plant yield were measured for each pollination method. The results showed that among the three groups rate of fruit were not significantly different (P〉0.05); Number of fruit per plant was higher in artificial po- llination group than that in honeybee pollination group (P〈0.05); Average fruit weight was the heaviest in bumblebee pollination group, and significantly higher than that of artificial pollination group (P〈0.05); Average plant yield was the highest in artificial pollination group, which is significantly higher than that in honeybee pollination group (P〈0.05). Although the nectarine production of artificial pollination (artificial supplementary pollination hormone) is higher than that by honeybee pollination and bumblebee pollination, considering the artificial pollination broke the natural growth regularity of nectarine, a large number of malformed fruits were appeared. On the other hand, there may be a high risk of hormone residues in nectarine fruit. Therefore, nectarine in greenhouse of Xinjiang was suggested to use the bumblebee pollination technology.
作者 袁豆豆
出处 《中国蜂业》 2016年第6期15-17,共3页 Apiculture of China
关键词 油桃 蜜蜂 熊蜂 人工授粉 授粉 nectarine honeybee bumblebee artificial pollination pollination
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