目前只有少数的机器人公司研发了基于手动拖曳的直接示教系统,且只能适用于该公司的机器人系统,对于目前大部分机器人并不适用。除此之外,由于大部分的机器人系统都是密闭的,不直接对用户开放,无法通过力控制方式实现拖曳式示教。因此该文提出了一种直接示教系统的方法,通过一个力/力矩传感器感知操作者的示教力,并通过数据采集卡收集力/力矩的电压模拟信号,根据x,y,z,Rx,Ry,Rz 6个方向模拟电压的变化转化成其各个方向的位移,并于示教过程中记录特征轨迹点,以实现示教的playback。其最大的特点在不涉及修改机器人原有控制系统的基础上实现直接示教,以此来拓宽直接示教的应用范围,使普通的机器人也能够应用直接示教。
Direct robot teaching is still relatively rare,only a few of robotics developed direct teaching system,but only applicable to their own robotic system,it does not apply to most of the current robots. Since most robotic system is closed,it doesn't open to user directly,this paper presented a study of a system of direct teaching,to detect the operator's teach force by a F/T sensor,the DAQ card is used to collect the F/T voltage analog signal,the analog voltage variation is converted to the moving speed of each of its six directions according to the direction of x,y,z,Rx,Ry,Rz,and record the track points during the process of teaching to complete the playback process. Its greatest feature is to comply the direct teaching without relating with the original robot system,so it can broaden the scope of application of direct teaching.
Automation & Instrumentation