
释楚简中的“规”——兼说“支”亦“规”之表意初文 被引量:8

The Interpretation of the Chu Script Gui——and of the Zhi as the Semantographic Protoform of the Gui
摘要 出土文献中新见的疑难字,通过考释与阐释相结合才能做到"完全释字"。考释的核心是文字所记录语言的音义;阐释的重点是构字理据,亦即音义与字形之间的联系。疑难字在字形结构与音义明确的基础上,需要对其构形理据与相关字际关系进行合理的阐释。本文根据清华简《郑武夫人规孺子》及其他材料,首次释出楚文字中的"规"字并释读了上博简中相关辞例。结合汉画像石中规的形状,对甲骨文、秦文字、楚文字中来源不同的"规"作了比较全面的梳理,从"规"的起源探讨了"规"与"支"、"枝"等字之间的同源关系及分化过程。得出下列一些初步结论:楚文字"规"源自"枝指"之"枝",秦文字"支"是"规"之表意初文。由于"支"与"丈"混讹,小篆"支"变形为手持半竹;由于"支"广泛用作分支义,别造"规"字相区别。全文在正确考释出楚文字"规"字音义的基础上,从"规"的功能、形制、起源等不同角度探讨其对文字构形的影响,并从文字演变的角度梳理了相关文字的异同分合,尝试了所谓的"完全释字"。 For those unknown ancient writing which have not been seen in the excavated texts before,it is so useful to combine the explanation and the elucidation that we can make a full interpretation. The key of the explanation is to check out the sound and meaning recorded in the characters,and that of the interpretation refers to find out the reasons and rules of the Chinese characters' formation,or the relationship among its structure,sound and meaning. What will be called a full intepretation is that we can make a reasonable interpretation for connection between structural rules and phonetic-semantic relations of the complicated Chinese characters,which are with clear script-formation and the specific sound and meaning. In this paper,based on the Tsinghua-bamboo-Script "Zhengwufuren Gui Ruzi"( 鄭武夫人規孺子) and other writings,the ancient script of gui( 规) has been recognized for the first time,and thus the relative words in the "Shangbojian"( 上博简) can be correctly interpreted. By studying on the graphic forms of gui( 规) scripts on the stone relief in the Han Dynasty,and making a detailed classification to a number of gui scripts from different excavated documents such as oracle-bone inscription,Qin scripts and Chu scripts,the author focused on the cognate relations between the scripts of gui( 规) and zhi( 支、枝),as well as on the course of their differentiation of graphic forms. The author comes to the conclusion that the gui( 规),one of the Chu scripts,is derived from the zhi( 枝),or branches,and that the Qin script zhi( 支) is the semantographic protoform of the gui script. As a results of the indiscriminate interchange between the zhi( 支) and the zhang( 丈),the graphic form of the zhi( 支) in xiaozhuan( 小篆),a style of calligraphy,had been changed into the shape with half a bamboo branches in hand. On account of the scripts zhi( 支) often served as the meaning of branches,the invention of the gui's( 规) graphic forms shows differentiation of graphic forms. The interpretation of the reading and meaning of the Chu script of gui having been made correctly. The article further refers to the script aspects of the gui's function,its form structure and its origination,in order to find out some influence on the writing system; Meanwhile,this paper reorganizes in detail the knowledge of the allograph and graphic consolidation on the review of the writing system evolution,and thus gives a good example of the Full Interpretation.
作者 李守奎
机构地区 清华大学中文系
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期80-86,共7页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 清华大学自主科研WO5-优先引导专项"楚文字综合整理与研究"(项目批准号:2015THZWYX07)的阶段性成果
关键词 完全释字 楚文字 “规” “支” “枝” full interpretation chu scripts Gui zhi(支) branches(枝)
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  • 1刘钊主编:《新甲骨文编》(增订本)第181页"画"字、第638页"洼"字等,福州:福建人民出版社,2014年.
  • 2刘钊主编.《新甲骨文编》(增订本)"洼"字.福州:福建人民出版社,2014年.第638页.











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