目的探讨2005~2014年融水县法定甲乙类传染病流行特征,为制定预防策略提供依据。方法收集融水县2005~2014年法定传染病资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2005~2014年融水县无甲类传染病,乙类传染病发病率为142.65/10万~447.23/10万,年均发病率为282.36/10万(13 971/4 947 990),发病率呈逐年下降趋势(P〈0.01)。按传染途径以血液及性传播疾病发病率最高,报告发病8 321例,年均发病率为168.17/10万,其次为呼吸道传染病,报告发病4 572例,年均发病率为92.40/10万,肠道传染病、自然疫源及虫媒传染病发病率较低,分别报告967、75例,年均发病率分别为19.54/10万、1.52/10万;发病数居前5位的疾病依次为肺结核4 455例、乙肝3 276例、梅毒2774例、淋病1 742例、痢疾732例;分别占总发病数31.89%、23.45%、19.86%、12.47%、5.24%。发病年龄以青壮年和婴幼儿为主,20~49岁发病8 619例,占总数61.69%;0~4岁发病879例,占总数6.37%。结论融水县甲乙类传染病发病率总体呈下降趋势。
Objective To explore the epidemiological features of category A and B notifiable infectious diseases in Rongshui county,2005-2014,so as to provide basis for making prevention and control strategies. Methods The descriptive epidemiological method was applied to analyze the reported data of category A and B notifiable infectious diseases in Rongshui county,2005-2014. Results No category A notifiable infectious diseases were reported in Rongshui county,2005-2014.The reported incidence rate of category B notifiable infectious diseases was 142.65/105-447.23/105,with a downward trend(P 〈0.01).The annual average reported incidence rate was 282.36/105(13 971/4 947 990),with a downward trend year by year(P 〈0.01).The blood-borne and sexually transmitted infectious diseases were at the top with the reported cases of 8 321 and the annual average incidence rate was 168.17/105,followed by respiratory infectious diseases with 4 572 reported cases and the annual average incidence rate was 92.40/105.The incidences of intestinal infectious diseases,natural foci and insect infectious diseases were fewer,with 967 and 75reported cases each,the annual average incidence rate was 19.54/105 and 1.52/105.The top five diseases were 4 455 cases for pulmonary tuberculosis,3 276 cases for hepatitis B,2 774 cases for syphilis,1 742 cases for gonorrhea and 732 cases for dysentery,accounting for 31.89%,23.45%,19.86%,12.47% and 5.24%.Young adults and babies were the main incidence age groups.The infected at 20-49 years old were 8,619 cases,accounting for 61.69% of the total,while the infected at 0-4years old were 879 cases,accounting for 6.39%. Conclusion The overall incidence category A and B notifable infectious diseases shows a decreasing trend in Rongshui county.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Category A and B notifable infectious diseases
Epidemiological features