To explore appropriate planting density of rice in Guiding, taking Zhunliangyou 1102 as test material, 6 densities were stud- ied. The results showed that there is not related on growth stages and planting density, available spikes at 3300 hills/667m2 is greatest, the yield of rice were:13300 hills/667m2 〉 12000 hills/667m2 〉 11000 hills/667m2 〉 14000 hills/667m2 〉 15000 hills/667m2 〉 10000 hills/667m2 ,but there is not obviously different between planting density of 13300 hills/667m2 and 12000 hills/667m2, so 12000 - 13300 hills/667m2 is appropriate to plant in Guiding.
Tillage and Cultivation