
中国矿业产业定位应与时俱进和国际接轨 被引量:3

The Orientation of China's Mining Industry Should Advance with the Times and Be in Line with International Standards
摘要 本文阐述了三次产业分类理论,介绍了世界主要国家特别是矿业大国通常的产业分类实践,详细研究了矿业的技术经济属性与基本特点,对矿业覆盖范围及其投资风险进行分析,深刻剖析了中国矿业目前错误的产业定位及其形成的历史原因,指出将中国矿业产业定位由第二产业调整到第一产业有充分的依据,认为矿业的准确定位能真实反映中国工业化程度,使我国的工业化水平与发展中国家的国家定位相适应,有利于建立符合市场经济要求的集中统一的矿业管理体制,统筹解决矿产勘查与开发不相协调的矛盾,有利于建立自然资源资产国民经济核算体系,有利于建立科学合理的矿业税费制度。 This paper describes the three-sector theory, and introduces the industrial classification practices of major countries in the world, especially the mining powers, studies the technical and economic attributes and basic characteristics of mining industry, analyzes the definition of the mining industry and its investment risk, deeply analyzes the incorrect industry orientation of China' s mining industry and its historical reasons, and puts forward that there is sufficient evidence for adjusting the orientation of China' s mining industry from the secondary sector to primary sector, considers that the accurate orientation of the mining industry can truly reflect China' s degree of industrialization for making the level of China' s industrialization adaptive to its developing country identity. This is conducive to establish the eentralized and unified management system of the mining industry in line with the requirements of market economy for comprehensively addressing the contradiction due to the discordance between mineral exploration and development, to establish the national accounting system on natural resource assets, and to establish a scientific and rational tax and fee system of the mining industry.
作者 吴荣庆
机构地区 中国矿业联合会
出处 《国土资源情报》 2016年第3期6-12,共7页 Land and Resources Information
关键词 中国矿业产业定位 矿业覆盖范围 三次产业划分理论 China' s mining industry orientation Definition of mining industry Three-sector theory
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