
开放式创新理论研究的知识体系与未来发展——基于SSC(I2003—2014)的科学计量分析 被引量:3

Knowledge System and Trends of Open Innovation Theory Research: Scientific Measurement Analysis Based on the SSCI Database(2003-2014)
摘要 近年来",开放式创新"的概念及相关理论得到了广泛应用,并成为理论界关注的热点话题。通过检索SSCI数据库12年间(2003—2014年)有关"开放式创新"理论研究的相关文献,从中选择被引频次最高的30篇文献构建起引文数据库及其同被引矩阵进行科学计量和社会网络分析。研究的结果表明,目前"开放式创新"的理论研究形成了特色鲜明的三大研究领域,但其理论研究体系集中趋势不够显著,整个理论体系不够稳定和成熟,正处于一个学科知识线性积累的成长阶段。为此,要加强"开放式创新"的基础性研究,重视理论研究过程中的交流与合作,拓宽"开放式创新"理论研究的技术和理论背景。 In recent years, the concept of open innovation and related theories has been widely used, and became a hot topic of concern theorists. By searching SSCI database(2003- 2014) 12 years or theoretical research literature related to open innovation, this article chose times cited highest 30 literature citation database built up its scientific co-citation matrix metering and social network analysis. Relevant research results suggest that the current theory of the formation of open innovation distinctive three research areas, but its theoretical research system and the degree of homogeneity of central tendency obviously not enough, the entire system is not stable and mature theory,and also in a discipline of knowledge linear growth phase accumulation. Therefore, to strengthen basic research open innovation, we should pay attention to social background research, strengthen exchanges and cooperation,and broadening the technical background of open innovation theory.
作者 张敏 吴淑娟
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期3-12,共10页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目(15ZHB001) 2015年度江苏省高校优秀中青年教师境外研修项目(2015-129) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程项目(2012-1-12)
关键词 开放式创新 理论体系 同被引分析 社会网络分析 open innovation theoretical research system co-citation analysis social network analysis
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