
学科教学知识的情感维度--职前幼师个案研究 被引量:1

Emotional Dimension of Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Case Study of Pre-service Preschool Teacher
摘要 随着教师知识在教师专业发展过程中核心地位的确立,越来越多的研究者开始对学科教学知识的内涵进行理论和实证研究。该研究以学前教育专业学生小雨的一节教学实践课为例,通过深度访谈和实物收集等质性研究方法,围绕小雨在实践教学中的学科教学知识形成过程中情感的发展脉络进行资料收集,尝试分析情感在学科教学知识形成过程中所起的作用。研究发现,小雨个人的经历、师幼互动的体验、对社会文化制度的态度和体验都影响着其学科教学知识的运用。执教者在教学实践过程中形成的情感知识与学科教学知识彼此互相交织并糅合形成某种情感氛围,在这种氛围下,其PCK具有了强烈的教师个人特征。该研究的贡献在于:教与学中教师的情感知识是教师知识体系中不可分割的一部分,有必要更新当前PCK的观念,承认情感知识的独特性。 Since teacher knowledge played a central role in teacher's professional development, more and more scholars have ,been interested in studying the connotation of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) theoretically and empirically. This study takes a practical teaching lesson by College Student Xiao Yu majored in preschool education as a case. Data are collected through depth interview and objective materials collection centering on the emotional development of Xiao Yu in the PCK construction in her teaching. It is aimed to analyze the impact of emotion in the PCK construction. The research finds that Xiao Yu's personal experience, her interaction with children, and her attitudes towards social culture and institutions have play a role in her application of PCK. The teacher's emotional knowledge and PCK constructed in the practical teaching are interwoven with each other and are shaping up an emotional atmosphere in which the PCK has been characterized with teacher's individuality. This study argues that teacher's emotional knowledge is inseparable part of teacher's knowledge in teaching and learning. Finally, it is suggested to extend our perception on the PCK and acknowledge the peculiarity of emotional knowledge.
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2016年第6期96-105,共10页 Education Research Monthly
关键词 学科教学知识 情感 情感知识 互动 个案研究 pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), emotion, emotional knowledge, interaction, case study
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