
星载太赫兹辐射计天线系统设计与分析 被引量:2

Design and analysis of the terahertz radiometer antenna system on satellite
摘要 设计了一套星载太赫兹辐射计天线系统,分别由偏置大口径卡塞格伦反射面天线和前端准光学馈电网络组成,可以实现300GHz、380GHz和425GHz三个频率通道同步接收电磁波辐射信号.详细介绍了准光学馈电网络的设计原理以及馈电组件的设计过程,通过仿真分析可以验证馈电网络的输出参数完全满足设计指标要求.还介绍了太赫兹辐射计天线模型的建立过程,通过分析并计算各频率通道的远场辐射特性,结果表明:天线系统具有高增益、高隔离度等良好的辐射特性,其主要电性能参数,如主波束效率、交叉极化水平等,明显优于其他辐射计系统参数,有效地验证了该天线系统设计方案的合理性与可行性. We designed a terahertz radiometer antenna which is composed of an off-set Cassegrain re- flector, antenna system and quasi-optical feed network. This antenna system can respectively receive the e- lectromagnetic signals at the frequency of 300 GHz, 380 GHz, and 425 GHz. Firstly, the operational prin- ciple of feed network and quasi-optical components is analyzed in detail. The simulated results of feed net- work are satisfied with the requirements for antenna system. Secondly, the whole antenna system of radi- ometer is discussed and the far-field radiation pattern of each frequency range is calculated. The results are well demonstrated that the radiometer antenna system has good performances in high gain, high beam effi- ciency, and high cross-polar level, which are much better than other systems. Lastly, the feasibility and rationality of this radiometer antenna system are well proved.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期406-412,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
关键词 反射面天线 准光学馈电网路 极化线栅 频率选择表面 远场辐射方向图 reflector antenna quasi-optical network polarized wires frequency selective surface far-field radiation pattern
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