
英国医疗保健领域中的公私伙伴关系:模式检视与政策启示 被引量:1

The Public-Private Partnership(PPP) of Health Care in the UK:Examination and Policy Implications
摘要 自20世纪90年代以来,英国在医疗保健体系中正式发展了公私伙伴关系(PPP),成为世界上最早进行该领域探索的国家,其公私伙伴关系的模式也被许多发达和发展中国家所模仿和借鉴,以促进医疗保健服务的效率和质量提升。近些年来,我国正如火如荼地进行医疗卫生等公共服务领域的PPP建设。检视英国医疗保健领域的PPP历史沿革、模式类型、操作方法以及绩效评价,总结相关经验与教训,能够为我国医疗卫生PPP的未来发展提供有益借鉴。 Since the 1990 s,UK has formally developed the public-private partnership(PPP) in its health care system.And it is the first country to do so in the world.Its pattern is widely imitated by many developed and developing countries in order to promote the efficiency and quality of their own health care services.In recent years,PPP of health care in China is under a burgeoning growth.Drawing the lessons from the examination of historical evolution,forms and types,operation process and performance of PPP in the UK,which this paper aims to,will provide China valuable policy implications for PPP development in health care in the future.
作者 方易
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期137-144,共8页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 中法"蔡元培"交流合作项目资金支持
关键词 英国 医疗保健 公私伙伴 United Kingdom health care public-private partnership
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