
试析德国面临的“领导力困境” 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Predicament of German “Leadership Capacity”
摘要 德国是欧盟事实上的"领头羊",但目前并不善于发挥领导力,在主导应对欧盟内外挑战的过程中遭遇诸多难题。德国面临的"领导力困境"很大程度上是由德国独特的国民性格和历史经历所致,一定程度上也与其尚难快速适应当前国际形势发生剧变有关。德国对此亦有所认识,正在积极调整政策,试图以更灵活的手段推动欧洲一体化、参与国际事务。未来德国将逐步适应自身角色以及环境的变化,并展现独特的领导力。 Germany is playing such a part as 'leading role'in the EU. However,it isn't yet adept at using its power and is confronted with many difficulties when dealing with challenges from both in and outside the EU. The'predicament of leadership capacity'that Germany faces is largely caused by its typical national character and historical experiences,and also reinforced by drastic changes of the International situation,which Germany fails to adapt itself to. Germany is gradually coming to realize it,and thus endeavours to adjust its policies,allowing it to push forward the European integration process with more flexible measures and meanwhile dealing with International affairs on its own initiative. Looking forward,Germany will gradually get used to its own role as well as the changed external environment,and become a unique leader.
作者 李超 王朔
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期48-54,63,共7页
关键词 德国 领导力 欧洲一体化 国际责任 Germany leading capacity European integration International responsibility
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