

Being of Education: The Unity of “Being” and Education
摘要 西方哲学以分别之法将"存在"分立为"在"和"在者",其中"在"是对本体思考与努力的回答。教育本体问题是要认识教育其他问题而面临的首要问题。作为"在"与教育联姻的教育之在,应在马克思主义哲学视野下认识其三重内涵:在追问教育终极存在的过程中,谋求每一历史时期教育世界的统一性;追求教育终极解释的过程中,获得每一历史时期教育知识的统一性;追寻教育终极价值的过程中,寻求每一历史时期教育意义的统一性。教育之在自我批判的独特意蕴体现在追求"教育之真"、"教育之善"、"教育之美"和认识"教育之人"之中。因此,通过寻得"教育之真"、审视"教育之善"、实践"教育之美"和正确置位"教育之人"可以实现教育自身追求。 "Be"was divided into "Being"and "Beings"in the western philosophy,in which the "Being"is the thought and effort to answer the ontology. The ontology of education is the first problem before the other problems of education. Being of Education is the unity of being and education,which has three meanings in the perspective of Marx's philosophy: In the process of questioning the ultimate existence of education,people should seek the unity of the education world in every historical period; In the process of pursuing the ultimate interpretation of education,people should pursue the unity of education knowledge in every historical period;In the process of pursuing the ultimate value of education,people should grasp the unity of the educational significance of every historical period. Its unique implication is reflected in the pursuit of "truth of education","good of education"and "beauty of education"and acquaint of "people in education". Therefore,through the realization of "truth of education","good of education", "beauty of education"and correctly arrangement of "people in education"can realize its pursuit.
作者 时益之
出处 《现代教育科学》 2016年第5期25-32,共8页 Modern Education Science
关键词 教育之在 教育之真 教育之善 教育之美 教育之人 being of education truth of education good of education beauty of education people in education
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