
面向网络教育学院的学习行为分析 被引量:5

Learning behavior analysis for distance learning college
摘要 随着网络学习的普及,网络学习者的数据分析正成为一个新兴的研究方向。网络教育学院是一种以从业人员的继续教育为主的远程学历教育。通过对西安交通大学网络教育学院的学习日志进行分析,力图展示网络学院学习者的学习行为,并探索典型网络学习行为与学习成绩的关系。在对大量日志数据进行了统计分析的基础上,通过对学习者学习知识点个数及有效知识点完成率进行聚类分析,将网络学院学习者分类;采用Spearman相关系数分析了学习者各种学习行为和学习成绩间的相关性,这为后续网络教学的改进、更加准确地对网络教学进行测评提供了一种依据。 With the popularity of e-learning,data analysis of e-learners is becoming a new research direction.E-learning is a kind of continuing education practice,which is based on the distance learning college.Through analyzing the e-learning log,which was collected from Xi'an Jiaotong University Distance Learning College,this paper tried to demonstrate learning behavior of e-learners and explore the relationship between the typical learning behavior and the final score.On the basis of statistical analysis of a large number of log data,this paper used two indicators,the number of learned knowledge points and the effective knowledge point completion rate,to realize cluster analysis,and then classified the e-learners into four categories.In the end,the authors studied the correlation between the typical learning behavior and the final score of different e-learners by using the Spearman correlation coefficient.These studies provide a basis for the improvement and more accurate evaluation of the distance teaching.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第A01期224-227,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61103160) 教育部在线教育研究中心在线教育研究基金(全通教育)资助项目(2016YB165 2016YB169) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2016JM6027 2016JM6080)
关键词 网络学习 学习行为分析 Sperman相关性 e-learning learning behavior analysis Spearman correlation
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