
资兴市不同森林恢复与发展模式水源涵养功能初探 被引量:6

Research on water conservation function exploration of forest restoration and development model of Zixing City
摘要 采用野外调查与长期定位监测相结合的方法,整体系统地研究了资兴市为恢复雪灾受损森林资源构建的不同森林经营模式水源涵养功能,旨在定量分析不同森林恢复与发展模式水源涵养功能大小,为其可持续发展提供数据支撑。研究结果表明:监测期间,各林分不同雨强条件下林冠层截留量各不相同,差异明显,最大的是M8,达54.8 mm,最小的是M6,仅48.59 mm;各林分灌草层持水量存在差异,M6(3.168 mm)最大;枯落物层持水量差异明显,M8(31.838 mm)最大,M6(23.13 mm)最小;林地土壤贮水能力M8与M6、M7之间差异显著,M6与M7之间差异不大。各林分水源涵养总能力大小为M8(1 123.624 mm)>CK8(1 068.543 mm)>M7(1 047.623 mm)>CK7(1 039.983 mm)>M6(1 001.815 mm)>CK6(965.779mm),以M8水源涵养能力最大,达到1 123.624 mm,约占年降雨量的84%,各模式林分引用了适生树种,具有完整的林冠层、灌草层和枯落物层,形成了多功能复层混交林,改变了林分对降雨的再分配,水源涵养总能力较强。各模式水源涵养能力略强于对照,但由于项目执行时间不长差异较小。 Using a combination of field surveys and long-term monitoring methods,to forest restoration and development mode of Zixing City for the object of study with different modes of water conservation function of forest system as a whole,results show that during the monitoring period,the forest canopy interceptions of different forest stand in different rainfall intensities significantly varies. M8 has the maximum forest canopy interception of 54. 8 mm,and M6 has the minimum forest canopy interception of 48. 59 mm. The shrub-grass layer water holding capacity of forest stands varies. M6 has the maximum shrub-grass layer water holding capacity of 3. 168 mm. The litter water-holding capacities of forest stands are significantly different. M8 has the maximum litter water-holding capacities of 31. 838 mm,and M6 has the minimum litter water-holding capacities of 23. 13 mm. There are significant differences between M8 and M6 and between the M8 and M7 in the woodland soil water storage capacity,where the difference between M6 and M7 is not so significant. The descending order of the total stand water conservation capacity in the mode is as follows: M8( 1 123. 624 mm) CK8( 1 068. 543 mm) M7( 1 047. 623 mm) CK7( 1 039. 983 mm) M6( 1 001. 815 mm) CK6( 965. 779mm),M8 has the highest water conservation capacity of 1 123. 624 mm,accounting for about 84% of annual rainfall. The total stand water conservation capacity in the mode mainly benefits from suitable species are introduced into the current forest stands to form a multi-functional complex mixed forest; this changes rainfall redistribution of stands. And the water conservation capacity of each mode in the mode is slightly stronger than the reference. However the difference is small due to short execution of the project.
出处 《湖南林业科技》 2016年第3期16-24,2,共9页 Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
基金 世界银行贷款湖南森林恢复与发展项目(JC-4) 湖南近自然森林经营试验与示范(2012-HNLYKY-01) 国家十三五科技支撑计划课题:长江防护林质量调控与高效经营技术研究与示范(2015BAD07B04) 湖南省林业科学院青年科研创新基金项目(2013LQJ11) 科技部国际科技合作专项(2015DFA90450)
关键词 水源涵养 功能 不同森林恢复与发展模式 资兴市 water conservation function forest restoration and development mode Zixing City
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