
词频分析与中俄政治文献翻译——以2013-2014年中国政府工作报告俄文版与俄罗斯国情咨文对比为个案 被引量:8

Word Frequency Statistics and the Chinese-Russian Translation of Political Literature——A Comparative Case study of the Russian Version of China's Government Work Report and the Russian State of the Union Address
摘要 在我国译界,政治文献外译凸显重要。文章以2013-2014年中国政府工作报告俄文版和俄罗斯国情咨文为语料,借助词频统计手段对其进行了量化分析与对比研究,发现俄罗斯国情咨文用词的频率整体略高于中国政府工作报告俄文版用词。文章还探究了词频对比过程中的用词差异现象,从量化角度对我国政治文献汉译俄问题提出了对策性建议。 Translation of the Chinese political literature is gaining ever-increasing importance in China's translation academia.Based on word frequency statistics and quantitative analysis,this paper presents a comparative case study of the Russian version of China's Government Work Report and the Russian State of the Union Address to find the overall word frequency of the Russian State of the Union Address is slightly higher than that of the Russian version of China's Government Work Report.Additionally,the paper explores the word differences in the process of comparison to propose some countermeasure strategies in translating Chinese political literature into Russian language.
机构地区 天津外国语大学
出处 《天津外国语大学学报》 2016年第3期1-6,80,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"中央文献术语外译词典(中英 中俄 中日)编纂的理论与应用研究"(14AYY003) 天津市教委2012年度社科重大项目"中央文献对外翻译与传播创新研究"(2012ZD040)
关键词 政治文献 翻译 词频统计 量化分析 political literature translation word frequency statistics quantitative analysis
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