

1-Dimension Magical Lablings of String Graphs
摘要 如果有整数对(s_i,t_i)(i∈[1,m])和一一映f:V(G)∪E(G)→[1,p+q],对每一条边uv∈E(G),使得f(u)+f(v)=s_i+t_if(uv),则称f是图G的(s_i,t_i)^m_i=1-魔幻标号。进一步,若存在最小的正整数k,使得G的任何一个(s_i,t_i)^m_i=1-魔幻标号满足m≥k,则称G为k-维(s,t)-魔幻图。为此,定义了图G的魔幻全空间与向量空间,并用向量代数方法研究串图G,得到图G有1-维(s,t)-魔幻全标号。给出了1-维(s,t)-魔幻全标号与奇优美标号、对偶标号之间的关系,及用具有1-维-魔幻全标号的二部分(p,q)-图G来构造大规模的1-维-魔幻全标号图的方法。 If there are integer paires such that a bijection of a connected graph from to satisfies for each edge,then is called a magically labeling. Furthermore,if there is minimum integer such that an abitrary-magically labeling satisfies,is called a one-dimension magically labeling. Hence,we defined the space of the magic total labellings and vector,and got 1- dimension magically labeling of the string graphs,and make use of methods of a vector algebra to research string graphs. The connections between one-dimension magically labeling and several known labelings( such as odd-graceful,dual lablings) are given. We presented a method to construct some large-scale graphs with the magic total lablings.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第3期122-126,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:61163054) 甘肃省高等学校研究生导师科研项目(编号:1216-01) 甘肃省财政厅专项资金(编号:2014-63)
关键词 k-维(s t)-魔幻全标号 魔幻全标号 对偶标号 全魔幻空间 向量空间 dimension magically total labllings magic total lablings dual lablings magical total labellings space vector space
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