

A New Calculation Method of Annular Flow Droplet Entrainment Rate
摘要 目前国内鄂尔多斯大牛地、苏里格等气田均存在产液量低于1 m^3/d的气井,为了探究低液量下气井的流动特征,有必要开展低液量下的环状流液滴夹带规律的研究。通过自行设计的液膜分离装置,开展了不同气、液流量下的液滴夹带实验。发现了液滴夹带刚好出现在环状流形成之时,发生液滴夹带的临界气流速度与液量无关,揭示了环状流形成机理为液滴的连续携带。建立了新的环状流液滴夹带率计算新方法,与同类方法比较,新方法适用的液相雷诺数可低至83,预测结果能够与实验数据较好的吻合,具有一定的可靠性。 There are some gas wells whose liquid yield is less than 1 m3/d in current domestic gas fields such as Ordos Daniudi and Sulige.In order to explore the flow characteristics of gas wells under lower amount of liquid, it is necessary to carry out annular flow droplet entrainment law research. A liquid membrane separation device was designed to carry out droplet entrainment experiment under different gas and liquid flow. The results show that the droplet entrainment just appears when the annular flow is formed; the critical air velocity of droplet entrainment is not affected by the amount of fluid, which reveals the formation mechanism of annular flow is continuous carrying of liquid drops. At last, a new method to calculate the annular flow droplet entrainment rate was established, and it was compared with the similar methods. The new method can be used for liquid whose Reynolds number is as low as 83, the predicted results are in good agreement with the experimental data.
作者 何显荣
出处 《当代化工》 CAS 2016年第5期1075-1078,共4页 Contemporary Chemical Industry
关键词 低液量 液滴夹带 环状流 新方法 预测结果 low fluid volume droplet entrainment annular flow new method predicted result
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