During the 12 th Five-Year period,the scale of China's software exports increased,the export structure upgraded,the industrial chain rose to high-end,software export enterprises accelerated their pace of internationalization,the capability of innovation and entrepreneurship significantly enhanced,the volume of independent intellectual property rights increased dramatically,public contract and public entrepreneurship all set to promote technological innovation and service model innovation,and the industrial aggregation effects in the exportbase cities and software parks were increasingly prominent.During the 13 th Five-Year period,The'Belt and Road'Initiative will expand our development space in emerging markets,the new industrial revolution based on shared network intelligence will bring new opportunities for the development of software industrial innovation,the unprecedented development of the new generation of information technology will provide new momentum for software exports,the service industrial innovation and the upgrade of traditional industries will bring opportunities for the development of software industry.Our country should speed up the supply-side reforms,enhance the independent innovation capability of the software industry,seize strategic opportunities of the 'Belt and Road'initiative,form diversified structure of export market,establish mechanisms to absorb talents needed by the software industry and personnel training system,further improve the legal system and policy environment to protect intellectual property rights,and enhance leadership and discourse power in the formulation of international standards and rules.