

Consumer Channel Migration Behavior in the View of Service Design
摘要 目的针对当前多渠道环境下广泛存在的消费者渠道迁移问题,探寻可行的应对方法和策略。方法通过文献调研和案例分析,对消费者渠道迁移行为的影响因素和应对策略等相关研究,进行分析、归纳和总结,并从服务设计角度出发,探讨当前存在的问题。结论服务设计是应对消费者渠道迁移行为的一种有效手段,但现有的多渠道服务设计方法,尚未将消费者渠道迁移行为的影响因素充分纳入设计和考虑中,缺乏指导性的、切实可行的方法和策略,且缺乏实践的验证。 It aims to explore viable methods and strategies to deal with consumer channel migration behavior based in multichannel environments. By literature retrieval and case study,it analyzes the current studies on consumer channel migration behavior,and discusses the existing problems in the view of service design. Service design is considered to be an effective method to deal with the consumer channel migration behavior. However,the existing multi-channel service design approaches do not fully consider the factors that affect consumer channel migration behavior,and there are no viable methods and strategies to guide the design,and also no cases of practice.
机构地区 浙江工业大学
出处 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期92-95,共4页 Packaging Engineering
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(16NDJC216YB)
关键词 多渠道环境 消费者渠道迁移 服务设计 multichannel environments consumer channel migration service design
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