
住区模式类型与居民交通出行碳排放相关性研究——以上海曹杨新村为例 被引量:5

Correlation Studies on Residential Pattern and Carbon Emissions from Residents Transportation: A Case Study of Caoyang Xincun in Shanghai
摘要 住区空间形态及模式类型与密度相关,居民交通出行碳排放与密度、设施多样性、交通站点可达性有着逻辑关联性。以上海曹杨新村作为实证对象加以模式类型划分,结合调研问卷数据将模式类型与碳排放进行相关性研究。分析结果显示,曹杨新村密度与人均交通碳排放间呈非线性波动变化,设施多样性与碳排放呈正相关性,交通站点可达性与碳排放基本呈负相关性。还发现多层围合式及小高层行列式的人均碳排异于其他模式类型,进一步对其居民职业构成、家庭年收入比较研究,碳排放差异性是由于社会结构的消费区隔化造成的。因此,判断住区模式是否"低碳",首先当明确密度的空间与社会双重含义,并结合本国国情、地区发展条件来引导未来住区发展模式。 Because population density is relevant to the residential pattern characteristics and pattern classification, the carbon emission from residential transportation is logically correlated with the population density, the diversity of facilities, and the accessibility of traffic sites. This paper takes Shanghai Caoyang Xincun as the object. We study the correlation between the residential patterns and carbon emissions with the data of the questionnaire data in the 8 residential patterns. The results show that the population density of Caoyang Xincun and the per capita carbon emissions of carbon emissions are nonlinear fluctuations, the diversity of facilities and carbon emissions are positively correlated, and the traffic site can reach a negative correlation with carbon emissions. It is also found that the per capita carbon emissions in the residential patterns of multi-storied enclosure dwellings and medium height row houses are different from other patterns. With the further study in professional structure and family income, it is concluded that the carbon emissions difference is caused by consumer segregation of social structure. Therefore, Before the judgment of low-carbon estate pattern, the structural characteristics of spatial density and society should be clarified first, then the national conditions, regional development condition; socioeconomic factors need to be combined to guide the development of future residential pattern.
作者 王伟强 李建
出处 《上海城市规划》 2016年第2期109-113,121,共6页 Shanghai Urban Planning Review
基金 国家自然科学基金委项目"基于低碳城市目标的住区模式选择研究--以上海曹杨新村为典型案例"(批准号:51178316) 上海同济城市规划设计研究院重点应用型课题资助"低碳特征下的住区模式评价与设计导则研究"(课题编号:YY-2012-05)资助
关键词 住区模式 交通碳排放 3Ds理论 曹杨新村 Residential pattern Traffic carbon emission 3Ds theory Caoyang Xincun
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