通过对体表希氏束电位的分布进行测量和分析,探索空间平均法体表希氏束电图的合理导联位置和空间平均方法。为此工作专门研制了一套IBM-pC XT(AT)控制的多导ECG系统,它较通常的ECG系统具有高得多的分辨率。测量是在通常环境下对十名健康者进行的。对希氏束体表电位的分布和正负极值点连线方向采用PQ段等电位图法加以研究并由此导出合理的导联位置和空间平均方法。这些新的导联方法被进一步在空间平均法体表逐拍希氏束测量中加以检验。该工作对空间平均法的导联方法提出了新的见解和依据。
The purpose of this work is to soarch the optimal lead positions and
reasonable space-ayerage methods for noninvasive baat to beat His Bundle
potential recording (HBPR ). An new IBM-PC XT (AT ) -controlled multi
channel ECG system with very high resolution has been developed for this
research. The measurement was carried out in 10 healthy men in normal
environment. The direction and distribution of His Bundle potential on
the body surface were investigated with PQ-Segment map, from which the
suitable lead positions and reasonable space-averaging method for non-inva-
sive beat to beat HBPR could be concluded. These new leading methods
were further examined by the beat to beat measurement in normal environ-
ment in 10 healthy men. The result of this work is a recomtnendation of
the reasonable leading system for beat to beat HBPR.
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
西德Stiftung Volkswagenwerk基金会资助项目