
秸秆带状覆盖对旱地冬小麦产量及土壤水分的影响 被引量:29

Effect of Bundled Straw Mulching on Yield of Winter Wheat and Soil Moisture in Arid Region
摘要 为探讨西北半干旱雨养条件下秸秆带状覆盖麦田水分利用特征和增产效果,通过田间试验,以露地条播为对照(CK),研究了3种不同覆盖处理[秸秆带状覆盖常规条播(SM1)、秸秆带状覆盖宽幅条播(SM2)和全膜覆土穴播(PM)]对旱地冬小麦田土壤含水量、小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,秸秆带状覆盖和全膜覆土穴播均可显著改善小麦全生育期0-20cm以及开花前20-90cm土壤墒情,但开花后20-90cm以及全生育期90-200cm土壤墒情普遍不如CK。3种覆盖处理均能促进冬小麦对土壤贮水的利用,显著提高开花至成熟阶段的耗水量及其占总耗水量的比例。秸秆带状覆盖和全膜覆土穴播生育期耗水量分别比CK增加4.6%和7.6%。秸秆带状覆盖在孕穗前0-200cm土壤墒情与全膜覆土穴播无显著差异,孕穗期开始则好于全膜覆土穴播;全膜覆土穴播0-200cm土壤贮水消耗量显著高于秸秆带状覆盖,而开花至成熟阶段的耗水量及其占总耗水量的比例则略低于秸秆带状覆盖。3种覆盖处理均显著提高产量和水分利用效率,PM、SM1和SM2较CK分别增产36.8%、29.7%和27.5%,水分利用效率分别提高27.3%、23.9%和22.7%。产量与生育期耗水量呈显著正相关(r=0.97*)。覆盖处理中,全膜覆土穴播产量虽最高,但从产量、水分利用效率和经济效益角度综合考虑,秸秆带状覆盖优于全膜覆土穴播。因此认为,秸秆带状覆盖是一种更加高产高效、适宜在西北半干旱雨养区推广的覆盖种植方式。 In order to determine the effects of bundled straw mulching on grain yield and water use efficiency(WUE) of winter wheat in a semi-arid rainfed area of Northwestern China, a field experiment was conducted under four cultivation patterns.bundled straw mulching and row-seeding(SM1), bundled straw mulching and wide belt planting(SM2), whole field plastic mulching with soil covering on the top of mulch and bunch-seeding(PM), and non-mulching with row-seeding as control(CK). Soil moisture content,grain yield and WUE for winter wheat were analyzed. For the three mulching treatments,the 0-20 cm soil moisture during the whole growth season and the 20-90 cm soil moisture before flowering were obviously higher than that in CK, however the 20-90 cm soil moisture after flowering and the 90-200 cm soil moisture during the whole growth season were lower than that in CK. The three mulching treatments were beneficial for wheat to absorb soil water and improved the water consumption amount from flowering to maturity stage and its water consumption percentage. As a result,the total water consumption amount in the bundled straw mulching treatments and in the plastic mulching treatment was 4.6 % and 7.6 % higher than that in CK, respectively. In the two straw mulching treatments, the 0-200 cm soil moisture before booting had no significant difference with that in PM, however the 0-200 cm soil moisture from booting to harvest was higher than that in PM. The 0-200 cm consumption of soil water storage in PM was higher than that in the straw mulching treatments,however the water consumption amount from flowering to maturity stage and its water consumption percentage was lower than that in the straw mulching treatments. Compared with CK, PM,SM1 and SM2 increased winter wheat yield by 36.8% ,29.7% and 27.5% ,and water use efficiency by 27.3 %,23.9 % and 22.7 %, respectively. There was a significantly positive correlation between the crop productivity and the soil water consumption during the growth period(r=0.97^* ). In a comprehensive consideration of yield, water use efficiency and economic benefits, the bundled straw mulching is recommended as an applicable technique in semi-arid rainfed wheat production aiming at high yield and high efficiency.
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期765-772,共8页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303104) 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-3-2-49) 盛彤笙科技创新基金项目(GSAU-STS-1512)
关键词 秸秆带状覆盖 地膜覆盖 旱地 冬小麦 土壤水分 Bundled straw mulching Plastic film mulching Dryland Winter wheat Soil moisture
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