

Hydrothermal synthesis of Keggin type phosphotungstic acid
摘要 采用水热法制备具有Keggin结构的12-磷钨酸,分析酸化pH值对12-磷钨酸制备过程的影响。研究发现,钨酸钠溶液的酸化pH值是制备12-磷钨酸的关键步骤,决定了产物是否具有Keggin结构。当第一步盐酸酸化pH值为6~7时,135℃下通过水热反应,WO_4^(2-)生成12聚体的仲钨酸B,仲钨酸B具有很高的活性,在pH值为2.0~2.3时下与磷酸反应生成12-磷钨酸。与传统方法相比,该合成方法避免了乙醚和大量高浓度强酸的使用,大大提高了制备过程的安全性并降低了对设备的腐蚀性。 To synthesize Keggin type 12-phosphotungstic acid,this paper used hydrothermal synthesis method,and analyzed the acidification p H values influence during the process. The results showed that acidification p H value of sodium tungstate solution is the key step of 12-phosphotungstic acid preparation. And it determines whether the product has a Keggin structure. When acidification pH is at 6 ~ 7 range,through hydrothermal reaction under135℃,WO_4^(2-) changes into Secondary Tungstic Acid B,which has a high activity,and reacts with H_3PO_4 to synthesize 12-phosphotungstic acid at 2. 0 ~ 2. 3 pH range. Compared with traditional method,this method can avoid using ether and large amount of strong acid. It may largely improve the security of the process and decrease corrosion on equipments.
作者 黎东维
出处 《重庆第二师范学院学报》 2016年第3期165-169,176,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Education
关键词 水热法 12-磷钨酸 KEGGIN结构 仲钨酸B Hydrothermal synthsis 12-Phosphotungstic Acid Keggin structure Secondary Tungstic Acid B
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