
体育与跨文化交流研究——以英国足球教练员迁移为中心的历史考察 被引量:12

Research on Sports and Cross-cultural Communication——A Historical Inspection Centering on British Coaches
摘要 大多数历史学家赞同英国教练在将足球传播到欧洲大陆的过程中发挥了重要的作用,但是几乎没有人关注或是研究过足球理念、知识和技术,是通过什么样的手段、机制传播到欧洲大陆。本文广泛搜集教练员迁移和跨文化传播的大量文献,研究了英国海外教练的迁移模式和迁移网络,表明:足球观念、知识和技术的跨文化交流远非我们想象的那样简单,足球运动指导思想和方法要不断适应当地环境的变化;在某些方面与19世纪的工程师相比,通过足球的信息和知识交换,以及对足球运动人员的安排,英国足球教练已经成为新兴的跨国体育网络的典型特征。 Most historians agree that British coaches have exerted great influence on the transmission of football to the European continent. However,nearly no one has ever studied what means and mechanisms were followed as the concept,knowledge and technologies about football were transmitted to the European continent. This present paper collected numerous literatures on coach migration and cross-cultural communication and studied the migration model and network of foreign coaches in Britain as well as how they apply their experiences to other countries. All of these prove that cross-cultural communication on football concept,knowledge and technologies is never as simple as we believe,the guiding principles as well as methodologies need to adapt to the changes of local environments. In contrast to engineers in the 19 th century,football coaches in Britain have,through information and knowledge exchanges on football and arrangement of football players,become typical characteristic of the emerging transnational sports network.
作者 蒋涌才 王晶
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期73-76,共4页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 江西省高校人文社会科学研究2014年度项目"国际主要体育联赛球员跨国流动特征研究"(TY1416)
关键词 跨文化交流 英国教练员 迁移模式 体育史 足球运动 Cross-cultural Communication Britain Coaches Migration Model Sportes History Football
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