

The diagnostic value of the ultrasound in the diagnosis of fetal spine bifida of 11-13^(+6)weeks
摘要 目的探讨超声检查对早孕期胎儿开放性脊柱裂的诊断价值。方法选取2013年6月-2015年6月来本院行早孕期11-13^(+6)w的NT测量的孕妇共5238例。对11-13^(+6)w胎儿行胎儿系统超声检查,除测量胎儿头臀长、NT及静脉导管的检测外并引用中孕期颅脑超声检查的标准切面对胎儿神经系统畸形进行筛查。严重畸形胎儿建议胎儿父母选择终止妊娠。结果系统超声检查共筛查出开放性脊柱裂18例(0.3436%),其中合并露脑畸形4例,全前脑2例,肢体畸形2例,脑积水3例,一侧侧脑室扩张5例。结论系统超声检查可以筛查出部分早孕期11-13^(+6)w胎儿的开放性脊柱裂,对早期诊断严重畸形有重要意义。 Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of the ultrasound in the diagnosis of fetal open spine bifida during first trimester screening. Methods:5238 pregnant women were enrolled in our hospital during the first trimester screening from June 2013-June 2015.Fetal was detected on the 11-13^(+6) weeks with ultrasound system. In addition to the detection of fetal head,NT and venous catheters. the fetal nervous system malformations also were screened in accordance with standards of the mid-trimester ultrasound section. Severely deformed fetuses are recommended for the termination of pregnancy. Results:18 cases((0.3436%)were diagnosed with fetal open spina bifida,including 4 fetuses with anencephaly,2 fetuses with the full forebrain. 2 fetuses with limb deformity,3 fetuses with hydrocephalus and 5 fetuses with lateral ventricle dilatation. Conclusion:fetal ultrasound examination can be used to screen out some open fetal spina bifida,ultrasound examination is important for diagnosis of severe open spina bifida.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2016年第5期108-109,63,F0003,共4页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 11-13+6w胎儿 系统超声检查 胎儿 开放性脊柱裂 11-13+6 week Fetal Ultrasound screening open spina bifida
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