
艰难卓绝的生命救护——美国学者约翰·瓦特眼中的中央红军长征医疗 被引量:6

Extremely Difficult Life-Saving Work——Central Red Army's Medical Aid in the Eyes of John Watt
摘要 美国学者约翰·瓦特在中国军事医学史的研究上很有建树,他的《战时中国的生命救护:现代医学如何在战争和瘟疫中重构卫生保健体系(1928—1945)》1一书,是一部关于中华民国军事医学史的力作。在这部著作中,约翰·瓦特对红军长征医疗救护情况作了详细的考察。约翰·瓦特认为,红军初步创建的医疗救护体系为长征提供了重要保障。遵义会议前,红军部队伤亡很大,医疗工作的重点是救护重伤员。遵义会议后,由于确立了正确领导,红军运用巧妙的战略战术摆脱了敌人的围追堵截,部队和医疗工作者得到了休整,除了一些救护工作外,大量的医疗工作是防病治病。 The US scholar John Watt has had remarkable achievements in the study of the history of Chinese military medicine. His book entitled Saving Lives in Wartime China: How Medical Reformers Built Modern Healthcare Systems amid War and Epidemics,1928- 1945 is a masterpiece on military medical history from the 1920 s to the 1940 s. In this book,John Watt makes a detailed survey of the Red Army's medical aid conditions. He believes that the medical care system the Red Army created was to provide important guarantee for the Long March. Before the Zunyi Meeting,the Red Army troops suffered heavy casualty,so medical focus was on the severely wounded. After the Zunyi Meeting,with the establishment of the correct leadership,the Red Army employed ingenious strategy and tactics,and got rid of the enemy 's encirclement and besiegement. Both the troops and medical workers were allowed intervals for rest and recovery. Besides some life- saving work,most of the medical work shifted to disease prevention and cure.
作者 范国平
机构地区 复旦大学历史系
出处 《军事历史研究》 2016年第3期31-40,共10页 Military History Research
关键词 约翰·瓦特 红军长征 医疗救护 传染病 John Watt the Red Army medical aid infectious disease
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  • 1[美]约翰.瓦特.《战时中国的生命救护:现代医学如何在战争和瘟疫中重构卫生保健体系(1928-1945)》,美国布里尔出版社(Brill) ,2013 年.
  • 2(Saving Lives in Wartime China : How Medical Reformers Built Modem Healthcare Systems Amid War and Epidem-ics, 1928-1945).
  • 3Informationfrom Gu Ximvei(顾盡伟)and Liu Shanjiu(刘善执)(Oct 2006) ,807-808.
  • 4Zhang( 1989),94-95;《长征路上走来的红色医生摇篮》(c. 2006).
  • 5Zhang(1989),95 ;《长征路上走来的红色医生摇篮》(c. 2006).
  • 6Informationfrom Zhang (1989),95-97.
  • 7Chen Yihou biography in Feng and Li (1991) ,150-151.
  • 8and biographies of Sun Yizhiand You henghua in Feng and Li ( 1991 ) , 108-109 and 411-417.
  • 9Zhu Chao (1988),135,reports a total of six hundred and eighty-sixgraduates,consisting of one hundred and eighty - one army physicians,seventy - five pharmacists,three hundred nursing aides,one hundredand twenty-three from health protection classes (who subsequently served as regimental health directors or as heads of epidemic prevention sec-tions at the divisional level or above),and seven from a research class (it trained health executives at the divisional level or above).
  • 10“ Jinggangshan Hongjun Yiyuan Yiwen”(2008) Mao’ s living quarters are reported in Zhang (1989 ),10.











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