
有边界式棉田喷雾机的研制与试验 被引量:2

Development and experiment on bounded type cotton field sprayer
摘要 针对棉花生长前期,行间距较大,普通风送植保作业机存在气流扩散严重,对靶性不强,设计有边界式棉田喷雾机,该机基于高地隙通用底盘,通过动力输出和液压系统带动药泵、液压装置和轴流风机工作。采用Pro/E5.0进行零部件三维设计和模拟仿真,在计算流体力学CFD的基础上,对有边界式轴流风送系统中轴流风扇气流场相关参数等性能进行模拟改进优化。对轴流风送系统和液压系统等关键部件进行设计、计算和验证,实现有边界式定向喷洒。试验结果表明:有风送比无风送时雾滴沉积量提高了23.75%,变异系数降低了11.24%,有风送喷雾附着率达到40%以上,喷雾效果良好,适用于棉花前中期植保作业。 For the problem of the large row spacing in cotton growth stage,the serious gas diffusion and the bad target of the common wind send plant protection machinery,the boundary type cotton spray machine is designed.This machine is of high clearance based on the general chassis.It is driven by the power output and hydraulic systems of drug pump,hydraulic equipment and axial fans.3Ddesign and simulation components are used by Pro/E 5.0.On the basis of the CFD,axial-flow air delivery target system and other properties were simulated.It can improve the uniformity of optimization by analyzing the simulation results.The key components on axial flow air delivery system and hydraulic system has been designed to calculate and verify,there are boundaries to achieve the target type directional spraying.The results showed that:there is no breeze than the amount of time droplet deposition improved 23.75%,coefficient of variation reduced 11.24%,there is no wind and spray breeze sent more than 40%reduction in the amount of spray drift loss,target spray effect good.The design of axial fan is reasonable,suitable for cotton crop protection operations.
出处 《中国农机化学报》 2016年第7期51-56,共6页 Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization
基金 山东省现代农业产业技术体系棉花创新团队资助项目(SDAIT-07-011-10)
关键词 棉田植保机械 有边界式喷雾装置 试验 cotton fields of plant protection machinery bounded type cotton field sprayer experiment
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