

On medical risk control in Chinese missionary hospitals in China during 1820--1860
摘要 在19世纪传教士在华创办的教会医院里,出现了医疗风险控制意识的萌芽。为了尽可能规避医疗事故引起中国民众的反抗情绪甚至反洋教斗争,1820--1860年问教会医院尤为注意控制医疗风险。如:医院对前来就诊的病患进行筛选,优先接诊医生擅长的眼科病人,而不轻易收治疑难重症患者;手术之前,传教士医生通常会让病人签一份医疗协议书,手术后果由病人及家属承担;通常不安排病人住院,即使住院,其护理工作一般由病人亲属承担。这些举措虽然与基督教宣扬的平等、博爱似有矛盾,但对于规避医疗风险、推进西医在华传播以及扩大教会医院的正面影响有着不可低估的作用。 In the missionary hospitals founded in the nineteenth century by the missionaries in Chi- na, the sprout of consciousness of medical risk control emerged. They did their best to avoid medical acci- dents which might lead to anti-missionary struggle by the Chinese people, and were especially cautious to control the happening of medical accidents. First of all, the hospitals made careful screening on patients by giving priority to those patients pursuing treatment of eye diseases, and barely forced to accept patients with intractable and critical diseases. Second, before the operation, the missionary doctors usually let the patient sign an agreement of consent for surgical operation, with the patient him/herself responsible for all the consequences of operation. Generally, the patient (s) won' t be hospitalized, even though the work of their nursing was generally done by the patientg relatives. All these three initiatives promoted the spread of west- ern medicine in China and expanded a positive influence of western medicine,though it seemed to be contradictory to the principles of equality and universal love of Christianity.
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2016年第1期20-23,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
基金 上海高校一流学科“科技史(医学)”(P313030425 A2-P313030448) 上海高校培养优秀青年教师资助计划(shzy006) 校重点课程《医学伦理学》(SHUTCM2015DYKCJS005) 上海市2016年度上海学校德育实践研究课题(2016-D-076).
关键词 早期教会医院 传教士医生 医疗风险 Early Chinese missionary hospitals Missionary doctors Medical risk
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