

Improvement Effect of Minocycline on Cognitive Dysfunction Induced by Old RBCs Transfusion in Rats
摘要 目的:观察输陈旧红细胞对大鼠认知功能的影响及米诺环素对其的减弱作用。方法:6月龄雄性SD大鼠随机分为对照组(C组)、输新鲜血组(F组)、输陈旧血组(O组)、治疗组(T组)等4组。预先收集大鼠全血,获得红细胞于4℃保存。输入大鼠血容量20%体积的林格液后回抽相同体积血液,F组大鼠输入储存1 d的20%血容量体积的红细胞悬液;O组大鼠输入储存7 d的红细胞悬液;T组大鼠输陈旧血前经腹腔注射40 mg·kg-1的米诺环素;C组于相同时间点输入同体积的生理盐水。输血后24 h取大鼠海马及皮质,ELISA法测定反映神经炎性改变的白细胞介素(IL)-1β、IL-6表达水平;输血后第7天开始Barnes迷宫训练,测试大鼠空间学习记忆功能。结果:O组大鼠海马及皮质IL-1β、IL-6表达明显高于C组、F组大鼠(P<0.05),T组大鼠IL-1β、IL-6表达则低于O组大鼠(P<0.05)。O组大鼠在Barnes迷宫进入目标洞时间明显长于C组、F组大鼠(P<0.05),T组大鼠进入目标洞时间则短于O组大鼠(P<0.05)。结论:输陈旧红细胞可引起大鼠脑组织神经炎性因子表达增加,导致认知功能障碍,米诺环素可减弱这一作用。 Objective: To observe the effect of old RBCs transfusion on cognitive function in rats and the improvement effect of mi- nocycline. Methods : Male SD rats at the age of 6 months were randomly divided into 4 groups. The RBCs were obtained from male rats by centrifuging the total hlood and stored at 4℃. The rats of fresh RBCs group (group F) were transfused with the RBCs stored for I day. The rats of old RBCs group (group O) were transfused with the RBCs stored for 7 days. The rats of treatment group (group T) received 40 mg℃· kg- i minocyeline with intraperitoneal injection before the transfusion. The rats of the control group ( group C) were transfused with the normal saline. The brain levels of IL-1β and 1L-6 were determined with Quantikine ELISA kits in 24 hours after the blood transfusinn (n = 6). The rats were subjected to Barnes maze tests after 1 week of the blood transfusion (n = 10). Results: The brain levels of IL-1β and IL-6 in group O were higher than those in group C and F( P 〈 0.05 ) , which were lower in group T than those in group O( P 〈0.05 ). The rats of group O spent longer time finding the target box than those of group C and F in the Barnes maze (P 〈 0.05 ) , and the time was shorter in group T than that in group O (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: Old RBCs transfusion plays a role in neurn-inflammation and induces cognitive dysfunction in rats, which may be improved by minocycline.
出处 《中国药师》 CAS 2016年第6期1033-1036,共4页 China Pharmacist
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:81500982)
关键词 输血 红细胞存储损伤 认知功能 米诺环素 Transfusion Storage lesion of RBCs Cognitive function Minocycline
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