
我国专利当然许可制度的适用性及完善--评《专利法(修订草案送审稿)》相关条款 被引量:6

On the Applicability and the Improvement of the Mechanism of License of Right of Patent:With Comments on relevant provisions of the Patent Law(Revised Draft for Review)
摘要 我国《专利法(修订草案送审稿)》中新增加专利当然许可制度以破解专利转化率低的难题。现阶段的基本国情决定了专利当然许可制度的设置具有合理性。鉴于该制度中存在的问题,建议通过采用灵活的收费模式、设置统一的评价报告义务、增加相应的许可使用方式、建立完善的专利权人维权机制等方式改进专利当然许可制度。 In view of the conversion rate of the patent is low, the mechanism of license of right of patent is increased by the fourth draft amendment of patent law.According to the fundamental realities of our country at present, it is reasonal to establish the mechanism of license of right of patent. The improvement should be made in the mechanism of license of right of patent,including adopting fl exible mode to charge;setting unitive obligation to supply evaluation report;increasing corresponding pattern to permit; establishing thorough pattern to protect rights.
作者 张洋
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期102-106,共5页 Intellectual Property
基金 河南财经政法大学2014年度校重大研究课题《民间文学艺术的权利主体问题研究》阶段性成果 2016年度河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究一般项目--《美丽中国视域下科技创新法治化路径探究》(2016-zd-085)阶段性成果 2016年度河南省法学研究课题--《郑洛新国家自主创新示范区的知识产权政策法律研究》阶段性成果
关键词 专利当然许可 专利法 专利法修订 license of right of patent patent law amendment to patent law
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