
我国装备制造业国际竞争力比较研究——基于投入产出法的测算 被引量:2

A Comparative Study on International Competitiveness of China’s Equipment Manufacturing Industry——Based on the input-output table
摘要 装备制造业作为整个制造业的基础和核心,受国际金融危机影响,国际市场需求萎缩,致使中国大多数外向型制造业面临生存危机.发达国家的再工业化以及高端制造业的回流,使中国装备制造业发展面临着巨大的国际竞争压力.本文从竞争力及国际竞争力的内涵和边界界定出发,对中国装备制造业的市场占有能力进行分析以及对其国际竞争力进行比较研究,通过对投入产出表中直接消耗系数和完全消耗系数的计算,结果表明中国装备制造业各行业是资源间接消耗型产业,可以说中国装备制造业已融入到了全球竞争中,并在低端环节增强了竞争力,但该产业中的高端生产要素的缺少直接影响到中国装备制造业的发展. Equipment manufacturing is the foundation and core of the entire manufacturing industry. Affected by the international financial crisis, its international market demand is shrinking, leading to survival crisis of most of China’s export-oriented manufacturing industry. With the re-industrialization in developed countries to develop high-end manufacturing, China’s equipment manufacturing industry faces enormous pressure of international competition. Based on connotation and demarcation of competitiveness and international competitiveness, through the analysis of China’s market share ability of equipment manufacturing industry and a comparative study of its international competitiveness by direct consumption coefficient and complete consumption coefficient on the basis of the input-output table, the empirical results show that: the equipment manufacturing industry, the indirect consumption of resources-based industries in China, has been integrated into global competition, with competitiveness at the low end of the link enhanced, but the shortage of high-end production factors will directly impact the development of China’s equipment industry.
作者 刘璟
出处 《广东培正学院论丛》 2016年第1期9-12,共4页 The Journal of Guangdong Peizheng College
关键词 装备制造业 投入产出 国际竞争力 Equipment manufacturing input and output international competitiveness
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