因为对笔下人物的刻画细腻、真实 ,注重从人物心理和精神的原因来描写事件 ,亨利·詹姆斯被人们冠以“心理现实主义大师”的称号。本文以亨利·詹姆斯的创作手法为切入点 ,指出心理现实主义与现实主义的内在关联 ,以及与意识流小说在创作技巧、表现等方面的不同 。
Henry James is granted the title of 'master of psychological realism',because of his minute style in portraying the characters and his attentions on the characters' psychological and spiritual aspects in depicting the events. This paper is trying to, from the aspect of Henry James's composition style,point out the innate relation between Realism and Psychological Realism;and to distinguish the differences between Psychological Realism novels and the stream of consciousness novels so as to clarify the notion of whether Henry James is a novelist of stream of consciousness.
Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)