
美国的离散者与其母源国的发展——全球化下国际移民与发展关系的重新解读 被引量:1

The Diaspora of The United States and the Development of Its Mother Country——Re-Interpretation of the Relationship between International Migration and Development under Globalization under the Circumstances of Globalization
摘要 在全球化的今天,移居他国但与母源国依旧保持密切联系的国际移民新群体——离散者越来越多。特别是在美的离散者,他们通过经济贸易、慈善和志愿者服务、跨国公民运动等方式,对母源国的经济发展、社会进步、政治革新等产生越来越重要的影响。其所构建的跨国社会网络,有利于其对母源国的积极影响得以可持续地发展,使其母源国海外移民结果实现从"人才流失"到"人才获得"的改变。 Today,the number of diasporas who migrate to other countries,but still keep in close contact with the mother country,is increasing. What the diasporas do has more and more important influence on the economic development,social progress and political reform of the its mother country. They,especially living in The United States,build transnational social networks by means of international trade,charity and volunteer service,civic movement. It is propitious to has a positive impact on its mother country sustainably. It changes the result of migration from"brain drain"to "talent to talent gain".
作者 叶小利
出处 《嘉应学院学报》 2016年第4期29-34,共6页 Journal of Jiaying University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(12BMZ068)
关键词 全球化 离散者 母源国 发展 美国 gobalization diaspora mother country development The United States
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