
马克思主义哲学与新康德主义关系辨析——以“先验批判”和“辩证批判”为核心 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Relation between Marxism and Neo-Kantianism: Focusing on the Transcendental and Dialectical Critiques
摘要 从哲学上看,伯恩斯坦的修正主义问题涉及马克思主义哲学与新康德主义的关系问题;要理解这一问题,需要追溯康德所开启的不同批判路径之间的关系。新康德主义者设想自身面对一个康德式的处境,试图通过"先验批判"来克服同时代的形而上学和"独断论",即黑格尔辩证法和科学唯物主义以及作为二者结合的马克思主义。以柯亨为代表的马堡学派将康德哲学浓缩为一种先验方法——从文化事实出发追问其可能性条件的哲学活动,并借此排除康德的主体和物自身等概念,从而构成一个一元论的体系。这个体系的实践部分便是基于法律科学的文化事实,以确定理想的社会概念为其可能性条件,并借助康德的绝对命令将这个社会表述为自由人的联合体。正是基于这一哲学逻辑,伯恩斯坦等人对马克思的社会主义理论进行了修正。尽管新康德主义的确开辟出了康德批判哲学的一个维度,但是其对德国唯心主义和马克思哲学的批评却充满了误解。事实上,费希特和黑格尔等人已将康德内在批判观念彻底化,形成了一条辩证批判的路径并为马克思所继承和发展。这一哲学传统并非独断论的,而是作为一种内在批判克服了新康德主义的自然与自由二分逻辑,得到一个总体概念,并通过马克思对黑格尔的批判得出一种具体的自由概念。这种存在于现实的人与自然关系中的自由观念,构成了科学社会主义的哲学逻辑支点。 The issue of Eduard Bernstein's revisionism is also the one of the relation between Marxism and neo-Kantianism,or if pushed further,the relation between the two critical ways that originate from Kant. Supposing that they are in the same situation as that of Kant's,neo-Kantianists attempt to overcome the metaphysics and dogmatism of their time through what is namely the critique of Hegel's: dialectics and scientific materialism,and through the critique of Marxism,a combination of the two. The Marburg School represented by Herman Cohen,concentrates Kantian philosophy into a transcendental methodology-inquiring from the cultural facts about the conditions of possibility,thus excluding such Kantian concepts as subject and thing in itself to bring into being a monistic system of methodology. The praxis of this system is as follows: on the base of the facts of juris sciences,to determinate what conceptions of an ideal society are conditions of possibility,and to define this social conception as a unity of free individuals. Bernstein and others get the socialist theory of Marxism revised. Although,neo-Kantianists develop indeed a potential dimension in Kantian philosophy,their critiques of German Idealism and Marxism are full of misunderstandings. Actually,Fichte and Hegel develop the conception of immanent critique into a dialectical critique,which is taken over by Marx. This tradition is by no means dogmatic,and yet,as an immanent critique,it overcomes the dogmatic dichotomy of nature and freedom in neo-Kantianism and reach a concept of totality. As a result of his critique of Hegel,Marx obtains a conception of concrete freedom,which lies in the interaction between nature and mankind,and provides logic support for the scientific socialism.
作者 谢永康
机构地区 南开大学哲学院
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期5-21,157,共17页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目(12CZX063) 天津市教委社科重大项目(2012ZD) 霍英东青年教师基金项目(131096)
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  • 1普列汉诺夫:《反对哲学中的修正主义》,北京:人民出版社,1957年,第39页.
  • 2《伯恩斯坦文选》,第96页,北京,人民出版社,2008.
  • 3Klans Christian Kt§hnke, The Rise of Neokantianism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, p.138.
  • 4Friedrich Albert Lange, C, eschichte des Materialismus, Iserlohn und Leipzig: Verlag yon J. Baedeker, 1887, S.355.
  • 5Adolf Trendelenburg, Historische Beitr§ge zu Philosophie, Berlin : Verlag yon G. Bethge, 1846, S.362.
  • 6康德.《纯粹理性批判》,邓晓芒译,北京:人民出版社,2004年.
  • 7Klaus Christian Kfihnke, The Rise of Neokantianism, pp.33-34.
  • 8Friedrich Albert Lange, Geschichte des Materialismus, S.821-822.
  • 9Friedrieh Albert l.ange, Die Arbeiterfrage. lhre BedeutungfUr Gegenwart und Zukunfi, Winterthur: Druck und Verlag yon G sehwister Ziegler, 1894 ,S.t 1-12,379.
  • 10《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,北京:人民出版社,1960年,第24页.











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