
韩树堂教授治疗大肠息肉经验 被引量:11

Professor Han Shutang's Experience in the Treatment of Colorectal Polyps
摘要 [目的]总结韩树堂教授临床治疗大肠息肉经验,分析韩师用方思想、用药规律和辨治特色,以便临床工作参考。[方法]通过梳理内镜科室大肠息肉患者的病例资料、临床医案和跟师随诊笔记,从病因病机、诊治思路、遣方用药等方面,总结韩师学术观点和临床经验。[结果]大肠息肉主要病因与饮食不节、情志内伤、人体正气虚损、感受外邪等有关,病理机制是痰湿蕴结、寒凝气滞血瘀。韩树堂教授临床调治大肠息肉患者以中医中药为主,辨证施治,重视健运脾胃、疏肝理气之法的运用,经临床验证,确能减少息肉复发,改善患者不适症状,明显优于单纯内镜治疗。[结论]韩树堂教授临床调治大肠息肉以扶正为主,五脏相关,重视从肝脾论治,颇合中医理论之经意,独具匠心,启迪后学。 [Objective] Han Shutang, a professor of clinical treatment of colorectal polyps experience, summed up the analysis of master Han idea, drug law and the differentiation characteristics, for clinical reference. [Method] Through combing the endoscopy department of colorectal polyps in patients with clinical data, clinical medical records and with the teacher follow-up notes, from the pathogeny, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment ideas and herbal prescription, summarize teacher Han's college academic ideas and clinical experience. [Results] The colorectal polyps is multiple in the sigmoid colon and the rectum mucosa epithelium and prominent intraluminal excrescences, main causes and improper diet, emotions and internal injuries, are caused by the deficiency of Qi and external pathogens, pathogenesis is stagnation of phlegm dampness, cold coagulation and qi stagnation and blood stasis. Han Shutang, a clinical professor of recuperation under medical treatment of patients with colorectal polyps with Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation,attention to invigorating the spleen, using the method of soothing the liver and regulating the circulation of Qi, after clinical validation can really reduce the recurrence of polyps, improve the symptoms of patients, is superior to the single endoscopic therapy. [Conclusion] For the liver, main season of Spring,yang to launch the machine; for spleen, central governance, source of Qi and blood biochemistry; Han Shutang, a clinical professor of regulating colorectal polyps with Fuzheng, correlation of five viscera, attention to liver and spleen on the treatment, quite fit to the traditional Chinese medicine theory and originality, Rev. followers.
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2016年第4期299-302,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 大肠息肉 内镜术后 韩树堂 辨证论治 病案 colorectal polyps endoscopic surgery Han Shutang treat based on syndrome differentiation clinical medical records
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