近些年,车辆的无人驾驶概念热持续发酵,该技术旨在让智能机器帮助人们驾驶汽车,让人们能从驾驶中得到解放。本文从解决无人驾驶中的车辆避碰方向入手,以Freescale 16位微控制器MC9S12XS128作为核心控制单元,用CCD摄像头传感器作为信息采集装置,设计开发一款电动无人驾驶自动避碰智能车,并对该技术方法进行一定的应用展望。
In recent years, the concept of unmanned vehicles is blooming. The technology is designed to help people make intelligent machines to drive a car, let the people have been liberated from driving. This article is intended to solve the unmanned vehicle collision avoidance, using MC9S12XS128 of Freescale 16-bit microcontroller as the core control unit, with a CCD camera sensor as the information acquisition device, to research and develop an electric intelligent unmanned automatic collision avoidance car. Lastly, looking forward to the approach for application.
Science & Technology Vision