目前许多研究将大学生置于网络影响下被动接受者的地位 ,而较少将大学生作为一个有着较强积极性、较高知识水准、基本成熟的世界观和人生观的群体 ,去考察他们对网络主动的反应。本次调查研究的主要目的是大学生掌握了先进的科学技术知识的背景下 ,研究青少年的父母长辈进行关于电脑网络的知识技能的传授 ,以及由于电脑网络的广泛运用而带来的生活方式与行为模式的改变对父母长辈的影响 ,即网络时代青少年的“文化反哺”
Internet now is bringing stronger impact to the traditional education and the method of life, Being digital will be the most important revolution in the daily life of youths in decades. This article consecrates on the analysis to the current position that youths use internet and its influence upon their parents and teachers in China, especially in Nanjing. Using selfadministered questionnaires and in-depth interview, this study will further the understanding of opposite cultivated in society of internet.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)