

The Dynamic Capabilities of Family Enterprise:Theoretical and Empirical Research
摘要 当前中国家族企业普遍面临持续发展的制约和转型升级的挑战。转型升级需要以动态能力的构建和发展为支撑,因此对家族企业动态能力的准确评价已成为国内制定转型升级战略决策的重要基础,本研究首先在理论推演的基础上开发出中国家族企业动态能力测度量表,然后以浙江家族企业作为调研对象采用问卷调查法进行了实证检验,最后提出了家族企业动态能力评价的二维模型,为构建基于动态能力理论的家族企业转型升级策略奠定了基础。 Currently family enterprise in China is generally facing the constraints of sustainable development and the challenges of transformation and upgrading. In order to achieve transformation and upgrading, the family enterprise need to develop dynamic capabilities as an important supporting force. Therefore, the accurate assessment of family en- terprise' dynamic capabilities has become an important foundation for the development of transformation and upgrading strategy. In this paper we firstly developed a scale to measure the dynamic capabilities level of Chinese family enter- prise. Then, empirically verified it by using method of questionnaire and taking family enterprise in Zhejiang province as the research object. Finally,we further proposed a two--dimensional model to assess the dynamic capabilities level of the family enterprise. The purpose of our research is to lay the foundation for the development of transformation and upgrading strategy of family enterprise based on dynamic capabilities theory
机构地区 宁波工程学院
出处 《甘肃理论学刊》 2016年第3期154-160,共7页 Gansu Theory Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(13YJA630142) 宁波工程学院文科振兴计划项目(2012306)的阶段性成果
关键词 动态能力 家族企业 测度 Dynamic capabilities family enterprise measure
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