文章以湖南省龙永高速公路路面工程项目为依托,以稳定骨架和密实为目的进行了AC-25C的级配优化,拟定3个不同的AC-25型级配,进行马歇尔性能试验及室内路用性能实验分析,同时进行了试铺效果对比。结果表明:优化后的骨架密实级配具有最优的高温稳定性和水稳定性,并且试铺效果很好;增加3~5 mm砂料使得AC-25C混合料的压实和密实质量显著变差,将0~5 mm的石屑按照0~3 mm和3~5 mm分档有利于3~5 mm的用量控制,减少溢料。
Relying on pavement construction project of Hunan Longyong Expressway,and with stable framework and compaction as the purpose,this article conducted AC-25 C gradation optimization,pro-posed three different AC-25 type gradation,and conducted Marshall performance test and indoor pavement performance test analysis,while conducting the contrast of trial paving effect. The results showed that: the skeleton compaction gradation after the optimization has the best high-temperature stability and water stability,with good trial paving effect; the increase of 3 ~5 mm sand materials can make the rolling and compaction quality of AC-25 C mixtures significantly deteriorated,and classifying the 0 ~5 mm stone chips according to 0 ~3 mm and 3 ~5 mm will help the amount control of 3 ~5 mm,re-ducing the material flash.
Western China Communications Science & Technology