审美研究已成为红学研究的主流 ,但乾嘉考据式的家世、版本研究以及索隐和社会历史批评仍颇有市场 ,当前的红学研究呈多元并存的格局。从红学研究这样的新动态出发对其发展态势进行前瞻 ,可以说“多元吸纳”是拓展《红楼梦》诠释维度的根本途径 ,而确立比较文学的研究角度 ,则是重建红学这一“东方专学”
With aesthetic study of Hongloumeng being the main stream at the present time, traditional approaches such as biographical study, edition study, and socio historical criticism are still prospering, which make up the situation of current Hongloumeng study. This article, after examining the current trends, holds that an all inclusive strategy is preferred in order to interpret the text in the right perspective. Moreover, a comparative approach is needed to bring this prominent study to a new era.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)