长江口的天堑阻隔是制约苏中快速发展的“瓶颈”。尽快建立崇明至启东过江通道 ,可以加快沪苏公路交通现代化进程 ,强化上海对苏中、苏北的辐射带动作用 ,完善沿海公路系统 ,促进“建设海上苏东”战略的落实 ,有利于亚欧大陆桥新干线的建设 ,有利于提升上海国际运输中心的地位。崇启过江通道建设可采用多渠道、多元化投资的办法 ,尽快付之实施 ,促进苏中经济再上新台阶。
The natural barrier of the Yangtze River turns out a bottleneck' restricting the fast development of the central region of Jiangsu Province. The earlier construction of Chongming-Qidong Under-river Tunnel can boost the modernization of the Shanghai-Jiangsu Road traffic system, and improve on the coastal road network. The tunnel can strengthen Shanghai as a positive radiation for and impetus to the economic growth of the central and northern regions of Jiangsu Province, and thus raise the statue of Shanghai as the hub of international communications. This tunnel can also breed the earlier realization of the strategy building the offshore eastern region of Jiangsu Province' and help to accelerate the construction of Asia-Europe Continental Highway. The building of this tunnel can absorb the investment from multiple channels and in different forms. Its earlier formation can push onto a new height the economy of the central region of Jiangsu Province.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
江苏省哲学社会科学重点工程项目 (E1-0 0 4)