张爱玲的散文集《流言》对于我们理解她的文化选择很有帮助 ,从中可以看到张爱玲以超然和平静的心看待她少年时的遭际。她的人生观是消极的 ,然而她尽可能地享受人生。身受中西文化熏陶的她特别关注市民阶层 ,她追求“和谐” ,创作出一种真正接近市民生活的作品 ,在现代文学史上有其特殊地位。
Zhang Ai-ling's essay Written on Water is helpful for us to understand her cultural selection. Zhang treated her experiences peacefully when she was in her childhood. The idea of her life was passive, but she tried her best to enjoy her life. Influenced by the Chinese and western culture,she especially paid attention to the city people's stratum. She run after harmonious' and wrote a kind of works that really approached the life of city people. She has a special position in the history of modern literature.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)