
韩国对日安全合作:动向、动因与挑战 被引量:4

New trends,motivation and challenges in South Korea and Japan security cooperation
摘要 朴槿惠政府上台之后,韩国对日安全合作呈现出一些新的动向,诸如安全合作与历史问题经历了由挂钩到脱钩的调整过程,合作的动力从双边转移到多边后又回到双边,安全合作更注重实质而不是形式等。这些变化与韩国对安倍内阁的历史认知的判断有关,与韩国政府对朝核问题的解决需要和对日本的军事动向的忧虑也有关联,更重要的是美国持续不断的外部施压迫使韩国政府不得不加强对日安全合作。由于韩国强化对日安全合作,中国在对韩日政治外交、周边安全环境和东北亚地区秩序塑造方面都面临一系列新的挑战。 After Park Geun-hye's government took office, new trends have represented in security cooperation between Japan and South Korea. The primary effects are as follows: security cooperation and history related issues have experienced the regulative process from the state of link to decoupling; the motivation of cooperation has shifted back to bilateral after the course from multilateral to bilateral; more emphases are placed on substance rather than form and so on. All these changes are not only relevant to the history cognizance of judgment on Abe's Cabinet to South Korea, but also to the need of resolution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and the concern about new military trends of Japan. What is more significant is that the United States continues to impose external pressure on the Korean government which enforces the Korean's to strengthen security cooperation. The South Korea's intensive security cooperation makes China facing a series of challenges in the aspects of political diplomacy to Japan and South Korea, the surrounding security environment and the order of the Northeast Asian region.
作者 詹德斌
出处 《日本研究》 2016年第1期18-31,共14页 Japan Studies
基金 上海日本研究交流中心委托课题<韩日安全合作的动因及趋势> 国家社科基金青年项目"中韩建交后韩国主流对华认知的转变与对华政策研究"(项目编号:13CGJ003)
关键词 韩日安全合作 韩日美同盟 中韩关系 朝核问题 South Korea and Japan security cooperation Korea US Japan Alliance Sino South Korea relations Korean nuclear issue information exchange
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