经济全球化是中国加入 WTO的必然选择。加入 WTO对于中国农业的影响是机遇大于挑战 ,在享受贸易最惠国待遇、深化农村经济体制改革、提高农产品质量、扩大农产品的国际市场份额等方面有利 ,在落实政府粮食政策、增加粮食补贴等方面不利。因此 ,中国应在不违反国际惯例的基础上 ,在进口配额、关税壁垒、财政补贴等方面对农业实行有效保护 ,加大力度鼓励发展区域特色农业 。
China's WTO entry is an inevitable choice of economic globalization. On the whole, the opportunities overweigh challenges for agriculture. It's an advantage for China to enjoy the most Favored Nation treatment, promote agricultural product quality, and expand product export quota. While, it's also a challenge for China in implementing Grain policy and increasing grains subsides and so on. Therefore, China should protect agriculture in import quota, tariff barrier and finance subsides on the basis of conforming to international customs, enhance developing regional characteristic agriculture, make out the quality standard of agricultural product and relative trade law and regulations.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)