当前 ,我国粮食生产面临着人口数量增加、食物消费结构转变、耕地面积减少和粮食生产成本上升四大问题的困扰。加入 WTO在关税减让、关税配额增加及限制国内支持三方面对我国粮食生产产生巨大冲击的同时也将带来极大的机遇。控制人口增长 ,保护农业资源 ,调整农业产业结构和作物种植结构 ,降低粮食自给率 ,可使我国粮食生产立于不败之地。
Presently, there are four problems troubling food production in China,such as the increasing population,the restructruing of food consumption,the reducing land resources and the increasing cost of food production.After entering WTO,there will be a strong impact in three aspects.That is to lower tariff,increase tariff quota and limiting domestic aegis.At the same,entering WTO also means opportunities for food production in China.Copntrol the population,protect the agriculture resources,adjust agriculture domain structrure and crop planting structure,lower the level of food self support,and will make our food production in the invincible position.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
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