新闻特稿借鉴了小说的故事形式 ,两者同属广义的叙事作品范畴。特稿作为新闻的真实性与小说作为文学的虚构性 ,造成了两种体裁的叙事主体在叙事活动中权利大小程度的差异 ,其结果表现为 :新闻特稿中叙事主体与叙事文本实现了最大程度的统一 ;
Feature stories adopt the storyform of fictions. Both of them belong to the category of general narrative writings. Reality of feature stories as news and fictionality of fictions as literature cause the power difference of narrative subjects in narrative activities. The results show that narrative subject and text realize the maximum integration in feature stories while they are not always integrated in fictions.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)